Monday, 14 May 2012

From the Greatest Book in the World

Mrs. Job
He is blameless
A man of integrity
A man respected by all
So why has he lost all?
I loved him, I truly did
Some may wonder at this love
That lasted only as long
as he had the world at his feet

When we lost the donkeys
I wasn’t worried
Then the sheep...
Not enough reason to weep
Then the camels....
I thought “all is not well”

Then the children
Swept away by a mighty wind
Now I am really crushed
But what does my husband do?
Afflicted, bereaved, in pain
He worships!
He still worships God?!

“Curse God and die!”
I screamed at him

I was his wife
But I forgot to be a wife
I forgot that wife means helper
I forgot that wife means encourager
In my pain and loss
I forgot to be a wife
I am Mrs. Job...

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