I just read Dr. Abati’s piece in defence of President
Goodluck Jonathan and I was shocked by the initial name calling on Dr. Abati’s
part then I remembered that Abati now has competition in the person of Dr.
Doyin Okupe.
Dr. Abati refers to Mr. President’s critics as “…all the
cynics, the pestle wielding critics, the unrelenting, self appointed activists,
the idle and the idling, twittering, collective children of anger, the
distracted crowd of Facebook addicts, the BBM-pinging soap opera gossips of
Nigeria …army of sponsored and self-appointed anarchists” Now the question I
have is: did Dr. Abati belong to this group of ‘anarchists’ when he was a critic
himself or is he exempt because he dished out his own criticism in erudite
language from the op-eds of national dailies rather than the ‘open access’ social media?
Dr. Abati also goes on to describe these critics, whom he
obviously dislikes a great deal, as ‘unintelligent people’ who spew ‘stupid clichés’!
This poses another question: is the yardstick for intelligence and wisdom
unquestioning support for President Jonathan?
I know Dr. Abati is doing the job he was paid to do (Mr.
Akinnaso take note, Dr. Abati is paid to defend Mr. Jonathan and not just Federal Government policy) but I would have expected
him to be a bit more circumspect in his language. After all he is trying to show ‘unintelligent
people’ a better way, he is trying to enlighten the ignorant ‘soap opera
gossips’ of Nigeria and I had hoped that Dr. Abati, with all his ‘intelligence’,
would have adopted a fact based but persuasive style of argument. Does one convince ‘unrelenting pestle
wielders’ to have a change of heart by hurling insults and being shamelessly condescending?
Whilst reading Dr. Abati’s piece, I could almost hear the
desperation in Dr. Abati’s tone and it made me wonder who the desperate party
is in all this – is President Jonathan desperate for good press or is Dr. Abati
desperate to keep his job? Dr. Abati seems to have forgotten that President
Goodluck Jonathan is in office because a large section of these ‘unintelligent’
people voted for him and by that token Dr. Abati earns an income because these ‘distracted
facebook addicts’ pay taxes!
Even if one were to take Dr. Abati’s article at face value and
decide to examine the ‘facts’ of his arguments in defence of his boss, what can
any ‘intelligent’ person (Dr. Abati has no time for unintelligent people) eke
out of his article? What is the crux of Dr.
Abati’s argument except “take my word for it, I’m very close to Mr. President,
I dine with him so I know him better than all you distant rabble rousers” Why
should anyone take his word for it? He is not exactly a neutral third
party who is just doing what he believes to be morally right in this matter; Dr.
Abati is literally writing for his ‘bread and butter’!
Finally, I can’t help but wonder why a temperate, intelligent,
humble and tireless servant of the people, at least that is what his ‘close personal aide’
or in social mediaspeak ‘BFF’ would like us to believe, needs not one but two
spin doctors.